Welcome to the Age of High Impact Leadership

Have you pondered the fact that we are moving to a new dynamics of leadership in 2020? In the past few months the world to a large extent has changed or you could say, evolved with leaders having to make swift decisions for the survivability of their organizations. It’s a new decade and that means approaches and perspectives are bound to change. Leadership is no different!

Hard skills and soft skills are critical in this new normal. As a Leader in 2020, you are required to harness dormant skills that were once left in a pile. Such skills include Empathy, Adaptability, Accountability, Listening and so much more. To be a high impact leader in 2020, you should develop a mix of hard and soft skills. This would help you navigate these uncertain times and pull your team to success. 

A high impact leader is one who leads by example, sets the right direction, motivates the team and has great stamina to overcome challenges. Leadership in 2020 is no joke! Many businesses lack the motivation to continue or unfortunately have laid off staff. But still, a leader should not be overcome by these challenges and should seek to find a strategic way to keep the business afloat. One vital step is to follow the trends and adjust with more innovative ideas.

We believe the following trends will shape the future of leadership in very profound ways: 

  • Artificial Intelligence and Technology – The combination of artificial intelligence and augmented reality fusing with big data and analytics will significantly shift human interactions in the foreseeable future. The advent of robotics into the world of work will accelerate the need for human-specific work domains and the exercise of leadership cannot be left out of this mix.
  • Accelerated Changes in Global themes – The increased pace of change will place a huge demand on the forces of globalization, causing leaders to ponder key questions regarding the tough issues of our day – climate change, gender and diversity inclusion, as well as ethics and morality.
  • Massive transformations in the world of work and business – Today’s leaders will have to contend with the fast pace of migrations away from the traditional models of the economy. As more organizations opt for remote working, contactless payments, robotics, etc. There is a need for more business leaders to become adept at making connections that advance corporate goals faster, and more efficiently.

    Great leaders will need to make sure that their organization transforms and evolve to stay relevant as the world around them evolves. 

So much has changed in these last six months for CEOs, leaders, and business owners. However, a lot of organizational leaders are coming to the realization that leaders exist for uncertainty. If there is any lesson from this pandemic, it is the fact that true leadership is tested in times of crisis and effective leadership shines in times of high uncertainty.

What does effective leadership look like? Why do we seek effective leaders in times of crisis  ?

The new age of truly innovative leadership has finally begun.


Akin Oke

Managing Consultant

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