5 Timeless Leadership Skills for High Performance

Everyone defines leadership in different terms but a great definition by John C Maxwell states that,

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”.

A great leader possesses a vision and can turn ideas into success stories. Great leaders set direction, build an inspiring vision and create something new. Yet while leaders are vision bearers, they need to build upon certain skills to effectively guide people in the right path. Leaders at different levels of the organization face several challenges, but with a few mastered skills they can effectively lead their teams.

In this article we would guide you through 5 essential leadership skills every leader should learn and master;

  • Effective Communication

One of the most important skills of leadership is to communicate effectively. Are you a leader? Have you been communicating with your team?  It is essential that your team not only receives instructions but understands the task at hand and is motivated to give it their full attention.

Writing clearly! Speaking with clarity and using active listening skills, are all part of a big equation that could help you effectively communicate.

  • Fostering Creativity and Innovation

It is generally believed that creativity and innovation go hand in hand. An effective leader creates an atmosphere for innovation and creativity. This is a constant thinking cap that ensures the company has a culture of innovation that in turn drives for sustainability. The key question for every leader is “How am I supporting and promoting innovative ideas within my team? “. If you haven’t started, it is best to take action now and work effectively with your team to keep the ideas rolling.

  • Motivation towards Commitment

Enthusiasm for your mission or project will get the team excited and committed, because a true passion will be seen and felt by everyone. Aside having passion, a leader should be committed and motivated to achieving set goals within the organization. Commitment is the ability to stay focused!

Are you focused?

What drives your passion?

Do you consistently motivate your team?

A few questions to get you thinking and ready to help build your business and ensure optimal success.

  • Feedback

An essential component of good leadership is the ability to give timely and appropriate feedback to the team. Do you appreciate, encourage, recognize and reprimand your team? Many employees do not feel satisfied/appreciated in their jobs. 

An important principle they say is to speak positively to bring out the best in a person. Great leaders are have developed the art of giving feedback as a crucial aspect of leadership, and they both positive or negative feedback but in a constructive manner.

  • Relationship building for influence

For lasting impact, leaders are encouraged to keep building relationships both externally and internally (within the organization). Business is about networking and relationships.

Do you encourage healthy work relationships?

Are you committed to building trust?

Your organization stands to benefit significantly when there is a sense of trust amongst employees, clients, producers, managers and the community.

All of the above mentioned leadership skills make an effective leader who can lead an organization to future success. But it is important to develop beyond these skills and seek more knowledge to truly constantly grow. 


By Ramo Ayoka

Business Development Associate